- Fragment Scams and How to Avoid Them
A guide to identifying and avoiding fragment scams on Telegram
- Mini-apps, Random Channels, and Telegram Ads
Mini-apps should not ask users to join numerous unrelated channels
- Securing Cloud Servers
Securing a cloud server is not hard and takes just a couple of minutes
- Telegram is not an E2EE messaging app
Telegram is not an E2EE messaging app, but your missing the point
- Viber pins are great!
Viber should stop relying on email more than the number when it comes to two-step verification
- Debug enabled on production, Now what?
How Django, Laravel, and Rails manage environment variables and secrets.
- Linux aliases in Windows
What is the equivalent of linux aliases in windows
- Comparison between Laravel, Django, and Rails
Unbiased and a highly technical comparison between Laravel, Django, and Rails
- Stars for Channels
Channels can directly monetize content, this is a post that includes some ideas this could be used for.
- Surfing Productivity
With multiple good search engines available, dedicating to one specefic provider no longer makes sence